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Conference abstracts and posters
- 2021 American Academy of Optometry Conference
2018 ARVO Conference Annual Meeting - Hawaii
KALLONIATIS, M., PHU, J., CHOI, A.Y.J., KHUU, S.K., YOSHIOKA, N.,NIVISON-SMITH., L. & ZANGERL, B. Hemifield asymmetry analysis within the central 20 degrees in open-angle glaucoma: diagnostic utility of 10-2 visual fields and macula optical coherence tomography. (2018)
CHOI, A.Y.J., NIVISON-SMITH., L., KHUU, S.K., PHU, J., YOSHIOKA, N., ZANGERL, B., ASSAAD, N. & KALLONIATS, M. Contrast sensitivity is elevated for stimuli outside cone-driven complete spatial summation in age-related macular degeneration. (2018)
PHU, J., WANG, H., KALLONIATIS, M. & KHUU, S.K. Statokinetic dissociation in anterior visual pathway disease is eliminated by equating the psychophysical procedures. (2018)
WANG, H., PHU, J., QIU, K., CHAU, M., KHUU, S.K. & KALLONIATIS, M. Pharmacological pupil dilation causes significant sensitivity changes that are pupil change-dependent but not eccentricity-dependent. (2018)
NIVISON-SMITH, L., TAN, N., YOSHIOKA, N., CHOI, A.Y.J., ZANGERL, B. & KALLONATIS, M. Changes in inner retinal thickness in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) detected using a grid-wise analysis of optical coherence tomography scans. (2018)
ZANGERL, B., LY, A., HENNESSY, M.P., AGAR, A., MASSELOS, K., DANCE, S., YAPP, M. & KALLONIATIS, M. Automated analysis of optic nerve head changes in patients with glaucoma. (2018)
HUANG, J., YAPP, M., MASSELOS, K., KALLONIATIS, M. & ZANGERL, B. Impact of referral letter content on management of glaucoma patients and suspects in collaborative care. (2018)
2018 International Visual Field Imaging Symposium, Japan
WANG, H., PHU, J., NIVISON-SMITH, L., YOSHIOKA, N., TONG, J. & KALLONIATIS, M. Inner retinal structure-function relationship within the central 20 degrees in retinitis pigmentosa. (2018) International Visual Field Imaging Symposium, Kanazawa, Japan
2017 ARVO Meeting - Baltimore
PHU, J., KHUU, S. K. & KALLONIATIS, M. Modelling visual field loss and spatial summation characteristics of patients with glaucoma across the 30-2 (2017)
YOSHIOKA, N., ZANGERL, B., NIVISON-SMITH, L., KHUU, S.K., JONES, B.W., PFEIFFER, R.L., MARC, R.E. & KALLONIATIS, M. Predicting Age-related Changes with High Accuracy using a Pattern Recognition Derived Retinal Ganglion Cell Regression Model (2017)
HUANG, J., KALLONIATIS, M., KATALINIC, P. & ZANGERL, B. IOP Fluctuations in glaucoma patients measured by a self-administered tonometer. (2017)
CHOI, A.Y.J., NIVISON-SMITH, L., KHUU, S.K., ZANGERL, B., ASSAAD, N. & KALLONIATIS, M. Translating visual field changes detected with stimuli within and outside complete spatial summation to optical coherence tomography findings in age-related macular degeneration. (2017)
LY, A., NIVISON-SMITH, L., YAPP, M. & KALLONIATIS, M. Referral pathways for non-urgent macular disease. (2017)
2017 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting - Chicago
WONG, E. The use of OCT in differential diagnosis of elevated optic discs. (2017)
KALLONIATIS, M., PHU, J. & KHUU, S.K. Pattern recognition reveals unique sensitivity patterns useful for a hemifield test analysis in glaucoma. (2017)
LY, A., NIVISON-SMITH, L., ZANGERL, B. & KALLONIATIS, M. The effect of imaging on macular disease diagnosis: a case vignettes study of non-AMD macular disease. (2017)
PHU, J., WANG, H., KHUU, S.K., MIAO, S. , ZHOU, L. & KALLONIATIS, M. Structure-Function Analysis of Tilted Disc Syndrome Reveals the Optimal Negative Additional Lens for Elimiating Refractive Scotomas. (2017)
2016 ARVO Annual Meeting - Seattle
PHU, J., KHUU, S. K. & KALLONIATIS, M. Asymmetries in sensitivity and spatial summation in the Hill of Vision. (2016) ARVO Annual Meeting Seattle WA
CHOI, A.Y.J., NIVISON-SMITH, L., ASSAAD, N., KHUU, S.K. & KALLONIATIS, M. Spatial summation across the 10-2 visual field in normals and age-related macular degeneration. (2016) ARVO Annual Meeting Seattle WA
NIVISON-SMITH, L., ZANGERL, B., ASSAAD, N., FLETCHER, E.L. & KALLONIATIS, M. Retinal Layer Thickness Changes Associated with the Natural History of Drusen in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (2016) ARVO Annual Meeting Seattle WA
LY, A., NIVISON-SMITH, L., ZANGERL, B. & KALLONIATIS, M. Practice patterns in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (2016) ARVO Annual Meeting Seattle WA
2016 International Visual Field Imaging Symposium - Italy
YOSHIOKA, N., KHUU, S.K., ZANGERL, B., NIVISON-SMITH, L., MARC, R.E., JONES, B.W., PFEIFFER, R. & KALLONIATIS, M. Conventional and Computational (Pattern Recognition) Derived Loss of Retinal Ganglion Cells During Aging. (2016)
KALLONIATIS, M., MARC, R.E., KHUU, S.K., PHU, J., CHOI, A., ZANGERL, B., NIVISON-SMITH, L., JONES, B.W. & PFEIFFER, R. Pattern Recognition Applied to Static Perimetry Reveals Unique Contrast Sensitivty Isocontours Across the Visual Field. (2016)
PHU, J., AL SALEEM, N., KALLONIATIS, M. & KHUU, S.K. Physiological statokinetic dissociation is eliminated by equating the psychophysical procedures of static and kinetic perimetry. (2016)
ZANGERL, B., YAPP, M., HENNESSY, M.P, CORONEO, M., HAYEN, A., HEALEY, P., MITCHELL, P. & KALLONIATIS, M. The Sydney Ophthalmic Glaucoma Study (SOGS). (2016)
2016 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting - California
NIVISON-SMITH, L., MILSTON, R., CHIANG, J., ASSAAD, N. & KALLONIATIS, M. Prevalence of Incidental Peripheral Findings in Macula Pathologies and their Clinical Relevance.
KALLONIATIS, M., PHU, J., ZANGERL, B. & KHUU, S.K. Predicting Goldmann III test size sensitivity values using standard Goldmann V results: implications in testing patients with glaucoma.
PHU, J., KHUU, S.K., ZANGERL, B., AGAR, A., HEALEY, P., HENNESSY, M.P., MASSELOS, K., KALLONIATIS, M & MITCHELL, P. Characteristics of newly-diagnosed early open-angle glaucoma patients: a comparison of structural and functional measurements. (2016)
2015 ARVO Annual Meeting - New Orleans
NIVISON-SMITH, L., ROGALA, J., ZANGERL, B., ASSAAD, N., FLETCHER, E.L & KALLONIATIS, M. Retinal Layer Thickness in Drusen and Drusen-Free Retinal Areas in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. (2015)
2015 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting - Denver
KALLONIATIS, M. Papilledema secondary to ocular hypotony. (2015)
2014 ARVO Annual Meeting - Florida
KHUU, S.K. & KALLONIATIS, M. Spatial Summation Across the Visual Field: Implications for Visual Field Testing. (2014)
KALLONIATIS, M. & KHUU, S.K. A Paradigm Shift in Visual Field Testing Using White-on-White Standard Automated Perimetry (SAP) (2014) ARVO Annual Meeting Orlando FL
2014 International Visual Field Imaging Symposium - New York
KALLONIATIS, M. & KHUU, S.K. Visual field testing within complete spatial summation (2014)
2014 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting - Denver
KALLONIATIS, M. & KHUU, S.K. Spatial summation using standard automated perimetry: implications in early detection of eye disease (2014)
KALLONIATIS, M., WHATHAM., A & CHOI, A.Y.J. Using Ganglion Cell Analysis in differentiating glaucoma from glaucoma-mimickers. (2014)
2013 ARVO Annual Meeting - Seattle
ZANGERL, B., WONG, E., YOSHIOKA, N., HENNESSY, M. & KALLONIATIS, M. The optic nerve head: does size matter? (2013)
2012 ARVO Annual Meeting - Florida
NGUYEN, V., CHOI, A.Y.J., PYE, D. & KALLONIATIS, M. Electrophysiological Case Study Of Fundus Albipunctatus With Cone Dystrophy (2012) ARVO Annual Meeting Fort Lauderale FL
2011 ARVO Annual Meeting - Florida
GREFERATH, U., O’BRIEN, E.E., KALLONIATIS, M. & FLETCHER, E.L. Characterising Retinal Degeneration In A Novel Mouse Model Of Retinitis Pigmentosa. (2011)