News and company updates - Page 7 of 9 - Centre for Eye Health

Feature Article in Insight Magazine

Dr Jack Phu’s recent paper comparing SITA faster against SITA standard has been featured in Insight this week. His research showed that SITA faster is just as accurate as SITA standard at detecting glaucoma, but testing times are approximately 50% faster making the new paradigm a real time-saver for optometrists in practice.

NHMRC Research Grant

CFEH Senior Research Associate, Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith has been awarded an NHMRC grant for her research into inner retinal remodelling in AMD, and translation of this knowledge to improve the clinical assessment of AMD. Lisa’s goal is to identify further prognostic biomarkers for AMD, leading to better risk assessment and more tailored management of this condition.

Vascular Changes in Intermediate AMD

CFEH PhD student Matt Trinh is the lead author on a paper published last week in the ARVO journal Translational Vision Science and Technology. Matt’s research uses OCT angiography (OCTA) to look at retinal vascular changes in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In this study he has shown that both the quantity and morphology of inner retinal vasculature is affected in intermediate AMD which may be associated with inner retinal structural changes. These findings support earlier work suggesting that the inner retinal blood supply may have a role in the pathogenesis of AMD.