Referral Types - Centre for Eye Health

Referral Types

Ophthalmology input into patient care is a critical part of CFEH’s patient care.  This is undertaken at CFEH both virtually (review of scans and reports) and through direct patient consults (glaucoma management clinic) as required, depending on the nature of the consultation findings and results.

Assessment Referral

After a consultation at CFEH, the referring Optometrist will receive a detailed report including imaging results within 2 weeks of the appointment date.  Ophthalmology oversight and input will be sought as required by the CFEH team.

Primary care of a patient remains with the referrer and the patient is instructed that their referring optometrist will discuss the results with them.  Arranging appropriate on-going patient management is the responsibility of the referring optometrist.

Telehealth Appointment

CFEH senior staff optometrists offer online consultations for optometrists who would like to discuss and/or received advice around a specific patient.  These 15 minute consultations are offered at no charge, and have an educational approach designed to help develop  knowledge and understanding. They are also considered to be interactive CPD with a certificate of attendance issued at the conclusion of the consultation.

Patients Who Don't Meet The Referral Criteria

Unfortunately, patients who do not meet the referral criteria can not be seen at CFEH.  There are three alternatives for these patients:

  1. Referral to a private ophthalmologist
  2. The CFEH Telehealth service (eligibility criteria do not apply to this free service).  More information about this options available here.
  3. Request specific imaging tests at specific OPSM locations (this will incur an out-of-pocket expense of $95 to the patient).  More more information about this option, click here.