Referral Types

Ophthalmology input into patient care is a critical part of CFEH’s patient care.  This is undertaken at CFEH both virtually (review of scans and reports) and through direct patient consults (glaucoma management clinic) as required, depending on the nature of the consultation findings and results.

Assessment Referral

With this referral option, a referrer will receive a detailed report including imaging results with ophthalmology oversight as required.

Primary care of a patient remains with the referrer and the patient is instructed that a report will be sent to their referring optometrist who will then discuss the results with them.  All other aspects of a patient’s eye care remain with the referring optometrist.

Management Referral

With this referral option, a detailed report with imaging is also sent to the referrer, however the results are explained to the patient on the day of their appointment, and CFEH will manage the referred condition as appropriate.

Patients Who Don't Meet The Referral Criteria

Unfortunately, patients who do not meet the referral criteria can not be seen at CFEH.  There are two alternatives for these patients:

  1. Referral to a private ophthalmologist
  2. Request specific imaging tests at specific OPSM locations (this will incur an out-of-pocket expense of $95 to the patient).  More more information about this option, click here.