Overview of CFEH Clinics - Centre for Eye Health

Overview of CFEH Clinics

CFEH General Clinic

Patients are referred for an ocular condition assessment which allows an in-depth analysis of suspected or diagnosed pathology.  The testing suites available include those assessing for glaucoma, optic nerve disease, narrow angles, pathological myopia, macular disease, peripheral retina pathology, diabetic retinopathy, retinal dystrophies, corneal disease and assessment of pigmented lesions.

The Cameron Centre (Parramatta)

Patients can currently be referred to the Cameron Centre for either ocular disease assessment or management services, with low-vision services coming soon.

As a part of the C-eye-C program patients may be on-referred to us from Westmead Hospital. The goal of this program is to reduce public hospital ophthalmology waiting lists. Results from any assessments and subsequent ophthalmology review will be communicated with the referring practitioner.

Glaucoma Management Clinic (GMC)

The GMC is a shared care service providing optometric and ophthalmological assessment including advanced eye imaging for patients who are glaucoma suspects or who have glaucoma.  The goal of this initiative is to reduce the demands on Ophthalmologists in the public health system by creating an alternative pathway for those with early or stable glaucoma, allowing the Ophthalmologists to see those most in need of their expertise.  The GMC also assists referring practitioners in the management of their patients.